Search Engine Optimisation - Best Practice #2: Using the Description Meta Tag

Web Design SEO 2

Many website designers and website developers use CMS systems to build their websites. Plug-ins can be used to place meta descriptions in the appropriate area on a website. All too often the CMS plug-ins have issues and meta descriptions can be placed in the wrong area. Another more common issue is when the meta description is seen as a global description for a particular view or node and becomes duplicated. 

Meta description tags give Google a brief introduction or summary of what the page is about and should be placed in your HTML document. Getting the meta tag description correct will help with your SEO and provide users with a better experience. If you wish to view the structure of a meta description tag, you can go to the head section of your HTML and look for some code similar to the structure below:


<meta name="description" content="Web Design and web development. Our Dublin based website designers offer a full end to end web development service that includes Search engine optimisation.">


Google recommend the description meta tag be one or two sentences and it is widely accepted that the optimum number of characters are between 150 and 160. When optimising your site with descriptions, be sure to follow the simple guide lines:

1. Summarise the actual content on the page. Avoid keyword stuffing and non-relevant or generic descriptions.
2. Use individual and unique descriptions for each page.
3. Avoid using repetitive or no descriptions.

Keeping your description meta tags accurate and relevant will provide users and search engines a summary of what your page is about. Use them correctly and it will assist you in driving more quality traffic to your website.  I hope this SEO tip was informative and please check in for our next post. If you are having any trouble with your SEO or need to avail of any of our digital marketing services, please contact us at BigNet Web Design Dublin.