The importance of changing your website design as your business grows

website design Ireland

Online marketing is in constant flux and keeping up with trends in your online effort is one of the most important marketing activities you can do. As businesses grow your company will evolve and this evolution can dramatically change service offerings. At each stage of evolution your website design should change to reflect the stage your business is at. 

Take for example a company that starts out as a one or two Person entity and over a number of years transforms to thirty people. In most cases the nature of the business has changed completely and the company is transforming into a different type of entity with layers of management and product offerings that look nothing like the original. 

At certain stages of this growth your website design will need to change to represent the evolution of your business. Many business owners fail to realise this and it is often forgotten but the fact is your website is often the first place a customer or a potential customer will go before deciding to business with your company. So it is important to represent your company in the best possible light as all stages of growth. 

In most cases a redesign of a website is not instigated by the business owners, it generally happens when a new person is employed to look after marketing for the company. Often this fresh pair of eyes does not see the old company before the growth, they only see the company as it is now. In some cases the new marketing manager will have their own view on the company and its future direction.

The challenge for most business owners is to communicate the future vision to the marketing manager and to embrace the change in marketing strategies including a redesign or complete new website development. Sometimes business owners find this period of evolution hard to deal with and failing to let go can sometimes cause the company to stop growing. This theory relates to all elements of a business and not just marketing and once embraced delegation becomes the new norm.

As mentioned before, a website is often the first place a potential client will review your offerings and when your company is in its infancy the product offerings will be limited. Once the company grows more your website should express this change. New product offerings will emerge and these product offerings will apply to a larger number of sectors. At this stage your five or ten page website becomes a thirty page website and might require a completely new structure. 

As companies grow bigger the website might need a corporate section to along with a section focused towards potential investors. Again this process does not stop here and as companies grow larger the website might need an intranet to communicate to employees and drive internal collaboration. The point is that as companies grow, their websites should grow and evolve at the same rate and this is an important thing to remember. So when discussing your website with a web design service provider, be sure to plan for future growth.

Having gained some insight into this process of growth and change, smart business owners will opt for a website design and a website structure that can evolve with a company as it grows. Adapting this policy early on will save an enormous amount of time and money and it will break down the barriers to change that most companies will have when changing their website design. If you would like to get in contact with our web design agency in Dublin, please feel free to drop us a line at any stage.