Parallax Web Design is Here to Stay

Parallax web design is around a few years and its popularity is still increasing. It was originally a concept taken from the video game industry and adapted to web designs around 2011. A parallax website design usually involves a background image that is static or moving at a different velocity to the overlaying text or image.Parallax web design is around a few years and its popularity is still increasing. It was originally a concept taken from the video game industry and adapted to web designs around 2011. A parallax website design usually involves a background image that is static or moving at a different velocity to the overlaying text or image

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Choosing web design companies in Dublin

When Googling search terms like “web design companies in Dublin” a barrage of nearly 400 companies jump onto the page in front of you. Choosing the right one for your web design project becomes an issue. Projects of a technical nature tend to have a cloud of technical jargon and each web design service provider claim to be the best. 

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Search Engine Optimisation - Best Practice 3: URL Structure

Web design is an amalgamation between art and technical expertise and in many cases it is difficult for a single person to have both skills in equal measure. Web designers are usually very creative or very technical. For this reason the basic structure of a particular web design might not be as fluid as you would like. A good example of structural problems in some web designs are URL’s.

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Website design and website development tools for mobile responsive websites

Are you a small to medium sized business and is your website design optimised for mobile devices? If not, take note and act soon. Google has spent a lot of time and resources advertising why website design and website development should be mobile friendly and it is no secret they intend to punish website designs that do not provide a good user experience.

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